Publish. Publish. Publish.
Tips to keep in mind before you start writing a scientific article
Bear in mind the important O's when planning an article.
Its been said before [1] but rightly or wrongly, a researcher in the 21st century cannot afford not to publish their work. We are in a highly competitive environment, therefore, it is of paramount importance that you have crystal clear objectives in mind before you write your article. Most articles are written for either self advancement, status, funding, or reputation.
A published article has a global audience & especially an open access article that isn't hidden behind a large subscription barrier. Understand that your article will be read, cited, analyzed and maybe turned into policy.
Focus on your prospective audience. Who is your article aimed at? Fellow researchers, those in industry, or government laboratories, students, cryptocurrency/blockchain investors or policy makers? Know your audience and pitch your article at them directly.
MJF can help you with your publishing goals